I've had this Phal for several years now and it's always bugged me that I don't know what it is. I believe it's part violacea or bellina. I have been looking at primary hybrids, but I haven't found one that matches. Any ideas?
Gin: Darn you for showing me that link, I so want that Phal. Princess Kaiulani "D.T."! I think the ones you pointed out are close, but not quite right.
Phantasm: How do you know it's bellina over violacea.. I've been trying to figure this one out for a while. The scent?
Jim: This one looks like yours? I thought penang girls usually have a yellow base.
From my orchid notes, the species phals that are citrus scented are -
Phalaenopsis gigantea
Phalaenopsis mannii
There might be some mannii in it's parentage ..
Color is expressed a bit differently with Phal violacea vs Phal bellina. Phal violacea is colored fairly evenly over most of the flower whereas Phal bellina has the reddish color in the center of the flower but emphasized on the inside of the lateral sepals. This shows through on the hybrids.
Please be aware that both of these species were previously lumped under Phal violacea, so crosses in the past made with Phal violacea could have been made with Phal bellina. Confusion reigns!
I would wager that most of the Phal violacea crosses that have been made used Phal bellina........