2. One of a countless number of Dendrobium hybrids, either with D. phalaenopsis or with closely related D. bigibbum.
5. Most probably Catasetum, eventually Cycnoches, not a Mormodes or Dressleria or Clowesia. You´ve done a good job in cultivation and gained a strong healthy bulb. Now the growth cycle is finished, the leaves will soon fall off, and the plant is going to dormancy for several months. Its still a young plant, when it continues to grow like this year, the first flower can be exspected next year. Then post the flower to identify the species.
My first thought for the final plant is also Grammatophyllum, but a young one. However, if someone told me that it was a Catasetum, I dont think Id argue! You might have to wait until it flowers to see what family it is in!