Originally Posted by Ray
The first is a vandaceous hybrid of some sort, possibly with some arachnites in it.
The second is a dendrobium.
Can't really tell about the third one, but the two in the 4th image are likely ascocenda hybrids, or some other vandaceous type.
The last image is possibly a cycnoches or the like, and they are deciduous. maybe someone else can elucidate.
Originally Posted by Appalachian
Three looks like it may be an intergeneric hybrid, four looks alot like baby vandas (especially if they came in the basket). Not positive i'm fairly new to orchids but based on babies i've bought.
Originally Posted by isurus79
Here are my guesses:
1. Vanda type cross
2. Dendrobium cross (kingianum type?)
3. Absolutely no idea (too young)!!
4. Vanda type seedlings. The lack of media around the roots is a pretty good giveaway.
5. A Catasetum, Cychnoches or maybe even a Mormodes. The leaves are drying out because the plant will go dormant soon. Water fewer times per week and at the beginning of January, stop watering all together until the new growth in the spring has roots that are a few inches long. Here is a quick guide for these guys: http://orchidweb.org/aos/orchids/doc...ecatasetum.pdf
I hope this helps!
Originally Posted by isurus79
P.S. I think the first pic might have some Neofinetia falcata in it?? Not sure though.
Thanks ray, appalachian and isurus
For now i can confirm that:
1) Vanda x Neofineta
2) Dendrobium _____
3) Too young to ID (maybe Aerangis)
4) Vanda type
5) Catasetum _____ (special thanks to isurus for the website)
Originally Posted by quiltergal
In photo #1 is the spike coming from the plant in the background. If so it's some sort of vanda/asocenda hybrid. If not it could be an encyclia. Photo #2 is a Dendro hybrid. Photo #3 could be some sort of Aerangis if it's really tiny (like a one inch pot). It's in the Vanda family. Photo #4 are vanda/asocenda hybrids. Photo #5 not a clue! 
Terri...the spike is coming out from the stem near the root...im quite sure it is Vanda x Neofineta...still looking for the real ID... and #3 is growing in 1 1/2 inch pot and getting bigger and taller now...maybe is from Aerangis...
Big thanks to Terri....
i wish to get more plants this weekend...will post more

s if i cannot get ID from the vendor...