Anyone has any idea??
I was attraced to purple buds and just brought it home a couple weeks ago.
It is now in bloom.
The plant is rather petite barely reaching one foot. The shape of pbs and leaves remind me of miltassias I used to have. pbs have slightly dark coloration on them.
It's got about 8 pbs densely together, very compact, and it seems like all the pbs are flowering at the same time, even two of them with no developed pbs, just leaves are sending up spikes. Total of 8 spikes.
Very light pepper scent all day.
Given the flower shape, I would think it's Beallara.
I looked up some images online. Tropic Tom, Marfitch (but not Howard's Dream), Patiricia McCully came very close, but could be neither of these.
Last edited by NYCorchidman; 08-22-2013 at 08:08 PM..