I don't know, it sounds to me like you have it better that side of the pond on the whole! Here it's perfectly normal to get no label whatsoever, besides 'Phaleanopsis' or 'Cambria' . More than that is unusual except with specialist sellers... So it's very frustrating that this is halfway there!
It does sound like these are probably cochleatas. So anyone in London: it's the N1 Garden Centre if you are interested. I'm resisting as I have got one, though it's a long way off flowering. I think the plants were just under £20: probably worth it in quality, shame about the labelling...
I think the garden centre are trying, and they are lovely people there, but I don't think they know about the whole species/grex/clone terminology with orchids... and it's sounds like their suplier isn't bothering, even though they are supplying things that are a little more unusual.
Last edited by Rowangreen; 07-15-2012 at 12:40 PM..