It does have a tag but it says nothing to me.

The seller told me it has odontoglossum and miltonia in it, and the stuff on the tag has information about its growth at the nursery. When I heard miltonia in it, I decided to grab it.
My search with the general name odontonia gave me a very close (possibly the same) orchid for my new plant. Odontonia Boussole 'Blanche'.
I like how the leaves are erect and not droopy like many of the plants in the oncidium alliance, thus not taking up too much space. The pure white bloom has a little bit of spots near the center and the back has some lavendar markings, which I think add to the beauty.
This plant is also rather petite, which is nice, dark pbs with two new growths that are quite grown up already!
I hope it survives the summer heat here as it has miltonia in it.
The very first flower at the bottom of the spike is funny missing one sepal and one petal. No, they are not ripped off, they never formed.
It is planted in loose lava rock chips with moss. Never seen this type of potting mix, but I guess it helps with drainage while maintaing moiture. The roots seem not so good (not white as in typical oncidium type but rather yellowish), but I could be wrong because apparently the plant looks amazing with flowers and two new growths going. I will see how it fares in my care.