This is flowering on a neighbours citrus tree now , along with countless soft canes and our local native Cymbidium . He would love to find the name again , just forgotten
Thank you all.
Looks like Dendrobium pierardii (syn. Dendrobium aphyllum), a slightly smaller growing relative of Den. anosmum. Google it and see what you think. Is it fragrant? It's very pretty--even if my identification may turn out not to be accurate. Very nice plant if it is pierardii; easy to grow and flower--which your neighbor probably already knows if it's made itself at home on his or her tree.
I really appreciate the swift helpfull responses to my question Went and told Brian the good news yesterday , and now he has pointed out a few more nice loking species that I must identify .. vested interest now as I can see large keikis that I can have
These are all growing on trees in full tropical sun , hard to believe ! Raining today so no pictures will get taken but soon . Again thanks a lot