Odontocidiums. Cross between odontoglossum and oncidium. Grow better warm than odontoglossum. They do not like to be soaked. Just damp most of the time. Spagnum moss or fine grade fir bark with spongerock. I add charcol to keep the mix fresh. Well watered but they don't like water with high salt or mineral concentrations. I would use RO or distilled water. Intermediate to warm and moderate light levels. Wait until you see new growth growing from the base of the pbulbs and it is 1-2 inches high before you repot as these do not like their roots disturbed. Put it in a smaller pot when you do repot. Just enough room for 1-2 years growth. That's about an inch to 1 and 1/2 inches between the plant and the edge of the pot. Shallow pots work best. If you don't have a shallow pot just don't pot so high in the pot. Don't cut the roots when you repot. Just take out of the pot, shake or carefully tease out what old media you can, and put in new media. I always mound up some gravel or lava rock (foam peanuts is ok too) under the center of the rootball to keep that from getting overly wet. That is where rot will start if watered too much. Leaves should be a light green. If they are drooping, then give more light. When the new pbulb has matured (stopped growing any taller) then switch to a bloom booster feed to get better flowering. After the flowers fade, keep just damp. Not wet at all until new growths come up from the base of the pbulbs. Pic 2 shows what new growth looks like. Let it get twice as tall before you repot. Pic 1 shows that you can pot in a course mix with good results anmd what the color should be. Pic three shows what happens if you water it too much. They can bed allowed to become dry. Not great but better than overwatering them. Also shows how small a pot they can go into. Pic 4 shows that tyhey can get bone dry and still grow well. They can be grown on a mount. They are hardy plants. Mine bloom every year. I have a bealara, and an oncidium blooming right now.
Last edited by james mickelso; 04-06-2014 at 12:42 AM..