there are so many similar hybrids, it is almost impossible to guess the right ID... you can find similar plants, and used them as a guidance for culture, but the safe is to just call it NOID!
By the way, it is a Dendrobium hybrid of the Phalaenopsis type...
Thanks for the info Ramon. I didn't even know the type hybrid it was.
At least now knowing it is of the Phalaenopsis type I will be able to use that info as a culture guide.
It does have Phalananthe parentage but looking at the labellum would suggest there is also either Ceratobium (antelope type) or Latourea influence. Either way, I would be giving a winter rest.
I would call it Dendrobium Palolo Sunshine (NOID) or Dendrobium Burana Jade (NOID).
These were very popular and found in the big box stores all over here. We had a ton of these at the Memphis Botanic Gardens that were donated and then divided.
They grow very fast and have shulleri, phalaenopsis (now bigibbum), & stratiotes in the background. I wouldn't give too much of a winter rest. I have one similar and it likes bright light, intermediate to warm, lots of water in the spring/summer, and reduced water/no fertilizer in winter.