I'm afraid Phals are hybridised so much by people who don't register them, let alone tell us the names, and many hybrids look the same as each other so it would be difficult to tell if they did have names.
That having been said, yours has some similarity to Brother Sara Gold. I have one that also has no ID but looks like this.
I don't think you could ever give it a definite name, unless you could contact the breeder and get a definite name from them, but don't worry. We call then NoID's here and they are just as pretty as ones with names. Over half my Phals are NoIDs. I like to give them my own names and while you can't use that name for showing them or anything like that it's nice to have names for your own use.
I call my one like this 'Sara Gold' dropping the beginning of the name and if I show pics of it here I always make it clear that it's a NoID so others don't use it as a reference to try and ID theirs... that could lead to a Chinese whispers type of mis-identification that we try and avoid.
Anyway, the other reason to get ID's is to know how to care for it. One like this will have standard Phal care so no problem there.
Welcome to Orchid Board by the way