Bought this at a local florist and it has rebloom for me the 4th time within 1 year. Was hoping to show this at a local orchid meeting but would need to know what it is.
I'd guess this belongs to Mokara or Vanda. Thanks in advance for your efforts.
My understanding is that if you have no ID for it, then it's always going to be a NOID, because it's impossible to be 100% sure what you have is a particular variety or something that looks similar (unless you get it genetically tested...). So you can take it along to show off, but not put it in competition.
Sorry if I've misunderstood and am telling you stuff you already know...
Yup, I know about NOIDs, just wondering is this is a common orchid.
How about the genera? I believe it is more closely related to Vanda since it seems to have some Vanda JVB in it. Not likely Mokara as they seem flatter with rounder sepals/petals. Not likely ascocenda as they do not seem to 'open' fully.
So must best guess is a vanda or some sort. Anyone care to chip in anyway?
My closest guess is that it's in the Vanda alliance as you have already surmised yourself. Both plant and flower shape is Vanda alliance, but I'm afraid I can't help further than that.
Other than it being a Vandaceous hybrid that pretty clearly includes Ascocentrum and Vanda there really isn't anything else to say. There is no way to be more precise with any certainty.
My understanding is that NOIDs are eligible for ribbon judging at shows, but not for consideration for AOS awards. If a NOID has the 'best flower' or is the 'best grown plant' that has nothing to do with whether it has a name or not.
In fact, I have seen plants awarded trophies and ribbons at shows that were very obviously mis-identified. And I know next-to-nothing, so the judges certainly knew the tags were wrong.
Cheers - Nancy
p.s. It is a beauty in any case.