Phrag. Autumn Fire??
My web search turned up the first attachment, but I don't know how to return to that thread to post a reply.
In any case, my own photo capture in Atlanta BG nearly 2 y ago caught the beauty in the second attachment. ID was given to me somewhere as "possibly Autumn Fire". Only possible hitch is the petal(?) behind the lip(?) in the first att., which is absent from the second. And the degree of crossing shown, is sobering to this neophyte.
(Edited) Just had a re-look, and now realize that the insides of the slippers (the lips, I guess?) of the two attachments are quite different. So now i'm not so sure how "possible" the autumn fire species assignment really is, for my photo.
(Confirmation or) A better ID will be appreciated.
Last edited by jwcane; 12-25-2011 at 02:06 PM..