So I received a few keikies of this epidendrum from a friend of mine.....
label states epidendrum fimbriatum
regrettably this name is thus incorrect as the flowers are completely different as to what fimbriatum's actual flowers are........
Now i was wondering if someone could be so kind as to perhaps help me figure out this little chid's real name/identification........
It is a small growing plant from root to tip of flower spike roughly no taller than 15 to 20cm..... I'ts completely free flowering and flowers for me and my friend about 3 times a year..... pretty little olive'ish green flowers that last for a few weeks......
Looks like an Epidendrum to me. I have a NOID that i was sent as an extra and I was told it is native or grows in the wild in Florida. Has not bloomed yet. similar growth. was labeled as 'pink" but was told it is a species and does not seem like a reed stem epi. I am growing it in SH
Looks like an Epidendrum to me. I have a NOID that i was sent as an extra and I was told it is native or grows in the wild in Florida. Has not bloomed yet. similar growth. was labeled as 'pink" but was told it is a species and does not seem like a reed stem epi. I am growing it in SH
You're probably right. I'm not real familiar with Epi's.