Devapratim - Your pictures show at least two different plants the flower in the third picture looks to be a species Bulbophyllum, not sure what the other flower is.
The third picture is Bulb. cuspidipetalum (per a positive ID on another forum from whence this picture came, this is not one I would otherwise know). The other flower looks like Dendrobium or Eria. The plant in the first picture vegetatively resembles Bulbophyllum but could also be an Eria or something else in the Podochileae.
Last edited by gnathaniel; 10-24-2011 at 09:18 PM..
Nat - Good catch on the Bulbophyllum, it was not one that I was familiar with either, knew it was a Bulbo which was a good start. I agree with you on the other flower, I was leaning towards Dendrobium but it could very well be an Eria, if I had more time I'm sure I could ID it.