Hello guys
I've got three flowering orchids that I would like you to identify for me...
I've been scrolling through what feels like an endless number of orchid pics and just realized it is a jungle out there, and I'm completely lost and in need of some ID guidance here...
The first one is a phal. I bought this one just before it began flowering, and was just dying to see how it looked once it opened up. Turns out it was a nice surprise. It looks so different from all my other phals. Do you know if it has a name? It is rather large plant, I'd say and the spike must be something like 60cm high or so... but I don't know if it is the type of phal, or just my specific plant that is so tall.
The second one is large cymbidium of some sort. I suspect it is one of those tree size huge things. At the moment it is around 80 cm tall and still fairly young, I think.
Got this one from a woman that is running a small nursery. She couldn't tell me anything about the plant. Does anybody know this one? Does it have a name?
And the last one is my favorite and profile picture. I love this one. The flowers are fairly small, but it has so bright and happy colors. Initially I thought it was a Laeliocattleya Red Gold, but when I look at pictures...It doesn't quite match. Does anyone know what this is?
Appreciate any feedback and suggestions.