So I purchased this new plant yesterday to make me feel better about my other mite infested plants (one of which might die). I find it very interesting that every flower is a fair bit different in pattern and amount of purple as well as the ripple on the top of the petals. I was curious if anyone might know which plants might be involved in it's parentage? Thanks so much everyone!
Nice! I can't help with your parentage question, sorry. I do find it fascinating tho, how flowers with markings are like this - I have an Odontioda, white with burgundy spots and blotches, and become mesmerized looking at the blooms - each one, the markings are a bit different
This is apparently a "harlequin" phalaenopsis, so named for the irregular blotched markings in the first flowers of the type. All harlequin phals trace that trait to one of the mutant forms of Phal. Golden Peoker. The mutations arose in mericloned plants of a conventional looking plant. The genes that transmit these traits are apparently unstable and result in unpredictable results. Your plant apparently had a striped parent.