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08-14-2011, 01:55 AM
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Small Phalenopsis want to id.
Bought at a Grocery Outlet store, but looked to be in nice condition. Got her in spring, and she still is in bloom.
Also, I am pretty much a noob, so you will not offend me if you point out something about her condition, etc. that can be improved upon.
08-14-2011, 09:57 AM
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First thing I'd like to say is that she looks very healthy based upon the leaf coloration, the new leaf coming up and all of the new roots I see.
As for identification, good luck with that one. Most orchids you buy at grocery stores and places like home improvement stores are hybrids bred specifically for mass marketing. The companies will not say what they were bred with, nor do they probably know as they have done it for years and may have lost track of names. Again, they are doing it for mass marketing purposes.
I do have one question for you though. What is it potted in and what is the pot structure itself? It looks as though it's been potted in sphagnum moss which you will want to remove once the flowers have faded (or maybe even before if you can) and replace it with a better medium. You might want to do some research on places like to see what options there are for medium, but do not buy Miracle Gro's Orchid Mix (that stuff should only be used on terrestrial orchids and yours is not).
If the orchid is in a plastic pot with drainage holes on the bottom, then placed inside a more decorative pot that does not have drainage holes, I would recommend removing it from the decorative pot and putting it inside a pot that does have holes and that you can place a tray with water in it below (humidity tray). Be sure the bottom of the pot with your orchid in it does not touch the water though. Your orchid does (phaleanopsis) does not like sitting in water (thus the potential need to repot from sphag) as they grow on trees.
08-14-2011, 10:04 AM
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Also, you might want to check out the thread titled something to the effect of "The Phal Abuse Ends Here." It's rather long but has lots of good information about your particular orchid. Just type "phal abuse" into the search for the orchid board and you should be able to locate it.
And another thing, I just noticed you are new here! Congrats and welcome!!!!!! If you have any questions at all, everyone here is extremely helpful and would love to assist you with their thoughts and ideas.
08-14-2011, 12:20 PM
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Welcome to Orchid Board
I agree that you are unlikely to find an ID. Even if you find something similar looking you can never be sure it's your orchids. There are just so many unregistered phals that all look the same as each other. Don't worry about that, they are just as pretty with or without a name.
It looks healthy to me but I agree with Paul's points about checking what it's potted in and how the roots are.
08-14-2011, 06:05 PM
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she is potted in bark, in a clear pot with slits, then a ceramic pot wo drainage. I water by setting the orchids to soak for a few hours in the kitchen sink. (which I have just read is a bad thing to do, but it really is convenient, and so I will likely keep doing it)
I currently have all the orchids in a south facing window, but they don't seem to be getting burned. (They only get sun for about half a day, due to a wall to the west.
08-14-2011, 06:13 PM
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I am wondering if her leaf length is likely to remain the same? In other words, are small, blooming Phals the result of genetics or manipulation?
Thank you for directing me to the Phal abuse thread, I have been reading it in chunks.
08-14-2011, 07:27 PM
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Not everyone's south is equal. For example, all of my low light orchids and plants do well in my southern window because of an old huge tree in my backyard that blocks the light. Just keep an eye on the color of your leaves and if they turn a purple tinge then they are getting too much light. Another thing that helps is to feel the leaves, if they are warm then they may be in too much light and need to be moved back just a bit.
As for the length of the leaf, I think some of mine have gotten larger over the years, but it's hard to really tell. It does seem that each progressive leaf is just slightly larger than the last, but it could be my imagination. Perhaps another person who is more familiar with this subject can assist you here. What I can say is that some species of orchids are extremely tiny while others can literally weigh tons of pounds (seriously, look up the world's largest orchid, lol...). It's a matter of age and what your specific orchid was bred with to be created. Not knowing the parentage will make telling you really hard as to it's genetic potential.
08-14-2011, 07:46 PM
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Lovely colour to it!
08-15-2011, 06:03 PM
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Thank you all for your kind replies.
10-02-2011, 04:42 PM
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Originally Posted by plantluvver
Bought at a Grocery Outlet store, but looked to be in nice condition. Got her in spring, and she still is in bloom.
Also, I am pretty much a noob, so you will not offend me if you point out something about her condition, etc. that can be improved upon.
If you ever get any keiki's from this plant, I would love to have one- it's beautiful... Alley
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