hello all!
i am new here.
i was lurking the past few days, and thought i would say hi.
i bought a noid, which i felt sorry for at h=2* d+*$#.
it was tagged a phal, but i am not sure if that was right (i won't pretend i know enough to know difference).
i usually know not to buy from places like these, as you're only propagating the poor treatment of plants.
however, i saw this little guy and was drawn to the "nub" at the top of the old flower spike.
after a few weeks the "nub" turned into something wierd. it looks like a jack in the pulpit flower (for lack of better description).
***and*** in the past few days it has decided to ROOT! TWICE!
i think?
have you ever seen this before?
what do i do with it?
i searched the forum and pictures here for anything that closely resembles it.
i have attached two pics. before you flame me for poor art skills, i took these with my camera phone.
thanks a bunch for helping me out.