Hello ALL!
First off, THANK YOU to all who replied to my threads...the info and input was great.
Since I cannot stay on long (otherwise I would spend HOURS here just reading the posts and articles), I try to make the best of the time I have online.
For this thread I am looking for identification of my most recent buy...
I will not show the whole plant (it is a rescue job...and I was very mad to see this orchid treated as badly as it was), it has the growth of pseudobulbs and thin flat leaves.
As far as I can tell, it is an Oncidium...which Species and/or Hybrid. I do not know, was hoping someone may know.
Well here it is!
Though this orchid is almost past the point of no return, I am still going to try and bring it back (I have take photos of it as it is now...at some point in the future when it is healthy again. I will post its before/after pics).
...!also...have a few other pics I am going to post soon. My Dendrobium denudans is going all out for me. Last count it had 2 spikes with at least 20+ flowers on each...AND!
It has 4 main growths with 2 or more spikes per growth!
There are pics of it on my gallery from its first single spike.