Epidendrum nocturnum for sure. Where they found in the Fakahatchee Strand?
yea thats where the pic was taken,there were 2 seperate plants growing within 10 ft. of each other so i felt lucky to stumble across not one but two right by each other.they also had little pods hangin off them which to me looked like it contained seeds.
Last edited by Cowhorn wrangler; 05-08-2011 at 03:51 PM..
yea thats where the pic was taken,there were 2 seperate plants growing within 10 ft. of each other so i felt lucky to stumble across not one but two right by each other.
Just the tip of the ice berg in that place. That place is Orchid heaven here in the state. And one of my favorite place's in the world. Take only photo's and leave only footprints. Welcome to Florida State Parks
yea my uncle is a landowner out there so my family has been goin out there for 20-30 years engaging in all the outdoor activities,but for me personaly im just starting to go out and enjoy evrything that place has to offer.