So, from my limited knowledge, I assume it's a dendrobium. But can it be identified any further?
The flowers are about 4-5 inches in diameter and there are only 4. Are they supposed to be more?
The plant seems to be relatively healthy. It is a very large plant. There are 3 canes right now. One is very tall, about 4 ft. The other which has the inflorescence is just about a foot and the 3rd one is also about 1 foot but is growing taller every day.
While it was in spike I moved it to a sunnier location and (I think) as a result, the leaves took on a sort of reddish tinge. I have since moved it back into a shadier place.
Finally, this is it's third spike but first one that has been successful. The shrivelled away after it was about 1 mm. Then the other one grew fully, and small buds just about began to take shape, then it shrivelled away, and finally this one was successful.
Ok, that's a mouthful! But can anyone help me figure out
1) the ID
2) whether the number of flowers on the spike is normal
2) the red tinged leaves
3) the 2 aborted spikes??
oh ps. I live in the tropics so it's very warm and humid here!
thanks everyone