Is this a wild orchid? If yes, which type?
I found this plant in Zion National Park, Utah. The images are not very shape as the plant hangs high up on a cliff.
Your expertise knowledge is welcome.
Hi hkhcarol, Welcome to the OB. No I dont think that is a orchid. I think it is call Shooting Star ( Dodecatheon hendersonii) it is a wildflower. here is a web site about it. DCQ Spring Equinox 2002 - FEATURE FLOWER - Shooting Stars
Look at the veins of the leaves.... it is not a orchid. Orchids are monocots so leaf veins are parallel. This one looks like a dicot since it has net veination.
then look at the sexual organs and you will for sure know if it is an orchid. I can't see those parts of the flower in the photos
Thank you very much for all your quick responses. As advised by Flhiker, I checked the website and this plant is a Shooting Star. It clears my mystery. Thanks Flhiker.
Hi hkhcarol, Welcome to the OB. No I dont think that is a orchid. I think it is call Shooting Star ( Dodecatheon hendersonii) it is a wildflower. here is a web site about it. DCQ Spring Equinox 2002 - FEATURE FLOWER - Shooting Stars
Yes it is a shooting star and I have one at's a Perennial. I love it!! It's soooooo cool!
Is this a wild orchid? If yes, which type?
I found this plant in Zion National Park, Utah. The images are not very shape as the plant hangs high up on a cliff.
Your expertise knowledge is welcome.