Cleisostoma sagittiforma? Seidenfadenia mitrata?
Is that just one inflorescence?
Wonderful display! Hope someone can ID it for you. There's some good photos at Orchids Of Indonesia by Fragrant Orchids
thanks for the link and the suggestion! I think you hit it with Cleisostoma sagittiforme. BTW, it has two inflorescences. Seidenfadenia mitrata looks different, it hangs a foot left of the Cleisostoma
Here is my cleisostoma filiforme. The 'leaves' are chained together like pencils placed end to end. Inflorescences emerge from axils of the pencils. Overall plant length in the photos (from last year's bloom in July) about 1 meter. Inflorescences vary in length from 10 - 25 cm. Flowers very fragrant. Plant is in bud ... will share photos of this year's bloom soon.