I just bought this NoID at the local market.
The seller said it was a Cymidium. Don't know if it's spelled like that, but she pronounced it like Cymbidium without a b. I can't find anything named like that except Cymbidium, and that it is not.
I then did some searching and found the Miltonias and especially Miltonia clowesii, where the patterns on the sepals resembles the patterns on my NoID. Then i did some more searching and found intergeneric hybrids like Beallara and Miltassia ... and then I'm lost.
I do understand that if it's a hybrid it's allmost impossible to ID it, but am hoping that the flowers and the colors on this one looks so special, that someone have seen it before. At least to me it looks special - maybee it isn't.
The flowers are 8 cm. wide.