Orchid Study In Dapa, Colombia
A couple of fellows from The Universidad Nacional in Palmira, Colombia (near Cali) did a survey of orchid species on a fourteen hectare tract of forest near where I live in Dapa, Valle De Cauca. Here is a list of some of what they found:
Acianthera adeodata (endemic)
Baskervilla colombiana
Bollea coelestis
Campylocentrum bremesii
Dracula andreettae
Dracula chimaera
Epidendrum fallaronense (endemic)
Epidendrun macrostachyum
Epidendrum nora-mesae
Epidendrum podocarpophilum
Lepanthes aciculifolia
Lepanthes quadricornis
Lepamthes satyrica
Lepanthes smaragdina
Lepanthes tomentosa
Masdevallia anachaeta
Platystele alucitae
Pleurothallis manicosa