Alright, check this out...
If there are any new growths on the plant that have gotten to be at least 2 or 3 mm tall, please post a pic and compare it with the following photo.
If you look at the sheaths on the stem of the Trichosalpinx orbiculata leading up to the leaf, notice how the top of the sheath ends in a circular, funnel-like appearance with hairy fringes around the edges.
That is a lepanthiform sheath (bract).
Here's another example of what lepanthiform sheaths look like from a Lepanthes aculeata:
Again, notice the sheaths end in a circular, funnel-like appearance with hairy fringes around the edges.
More difficult to make out because of the photo, but this is an example from Lepanthopsis (disregard what it says on the link, it's a link to a photo of a Lpths):
My fish and shrimps
New growths will have the lepanthiform sheaths forming.