This species is very interesting in that the flowers bear a very noticeable scent when in bloom. The growth habit is so unlike most other orchids that I had to doubt, at first, that it was a true orchid. The plants have shown up in the middle of my yard and look like etiolated cymbidiums. I haven't used mulch in my yard in over 8 years, but I have planted, sorry to say, 3 different types of bamboo. I have a large bulb that is growing in the middle of my yard where I recently had a bamboo ground down to the roots and eliminated. I plan on digging up the plant. I've been interested in identifying this plant for the last 3 years. I live in Broward County.
this is, indeed, Eulophia graminea. It is spreading like wildfire throughout southern Florida, with the zero point of origin seeming to be somewhere in the West Palm Beach area. There are various theories to how it got here--escape from cultivation, mulch from Asia contaminated with seed, etc. However it got here, it is spreading, and becoming one of our more common invasive orchids, third behind Zeuxined strateumatica, and Oeceoclades maculata.