You see, I am a total newbie. Never even heard the word pseudobulb before. ;-) I did upload a new photo of the small leave-thingie that sprung out not to long ago. Not sure it helps much though?
Last edited by Fulsemlan; 08-26-2010 at 04:59 PM..
In the wild. In a tree. Was then transported on a sailboat back to Sweden. Isla Tortuga is a small island off the coast of Costa Rica. I will postmore photos when it has grown a little. Do you think i have planted it correctly?
You can't go wrong to much as long as the soil is drying rather quickly. Let it dry between watering (ca 3 days in summer). If it stays longer humid you might consider something with a better irrigation.
So, just to give me an idea, how many years should I expect to nurture these little sprouts until they bloom? Will they eventually bloom, do they always?
From a back piece of 2 bulbs I'd say count for 3 years. If it's L rubecens (or any other orchid with thick leaves). Make sure it receives plenty of light although avoid direct strong sun during mid day.