I just picked this up today. Healthy looking plant with nice flowers, fragrant (not strong, at least not right now) with attractive purple pseudo bulbs. just doesn't have a name. Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks for the replies. I'm also thinking it's very likely an Epicyclia. The plant looks almost identical to Epicyclia Serena O'Neil but with slightly different flowers (couldn't find a good picture of Epicyclia Mabel Kanda's leaves and p-bulbs).
I have hundreds of Enc. cordigera x Epi. floribundum and it is not this orchid. The shape of the pseudobulbs is wrong for this hybrid.
The shape of the pseudobulb is the identifying factor for many Encyclia hybrids. I can give you 5-6 flowers that look like the photo and remember seed crosses are not color consistent.
It is none of the names suggested. I own all of the ones suggested. Encyclia are my favorite orchids and there are many that have never had a name registered.
The thick elongated pseudobulb of this orchid is very unusual. It is an Epicyclia.