What kind? Cambria? Zygopetalum? No flowers.
Short question: What kind of orchid is on the pictures?
I bought two plants of seemingly an identical kind of orchid, the kind is unknown and they were without flowers when I bought them (very fun and very cheap to buy like that). He said "The only thing I know is Cambria", possibly he meant they are "Cambria". I'm definitely not an expert, but they don't look very much like the other Cambria I've seen, although I found some more similar now.
The plants looked great and they are somewhat similar to my Zygopetalum hybrid (which looks identical or similar to Zygopetalum "Louisendorf"): The pseudobulbs are in both kinds big, thick and tall and the succession of pseudobulbs seems to go slightly upwards. The leaves are only slightly similar, the unknown have longer, more elongated and tougher leaves. They are also more downturned in the edges and at least when I bought them they hanged a lot.
What kind is it? Thanks for trying!
Last edited by Blötdjur; 06-06-2010 at 08:15 PM..