It is hard to tell from your photo how much the color may have shift.
E. cordigera var rosa is very close to your photo but the color of your photo is off. The background color of your photo is also off so there is definitely a color shift in the photo.
Nursery Rhyme also has a different offspring if your cross is cordigera x Atroniceum from Atroniceum x cordigera. I have raised both and the most distinct difference is that one is fragrant in the morning and one in the afternoon. With any seed cross variation can be extensive. Nursery Rhyme is 75% cordigera and is often around. Atroniceum is cordigera x phoenica
Gail Nagasaki is 50% cordigera (alata x cordigera). It also is very common and available.
If the color of the petals and septals is more maroon red than I would lean toward Nursery Rhyme and if more toward a muddy brown then Gail Nagasaki.
These are only the two most common possibilities but any cordigera hybrid could result in your plant.