Hello Yzabel,
You will not be able to have a precise ID for your plants, unless you get it from the nursery selling the plants. This is especially true for complex hybrids (like the case of the Phalaenopsis) because there is a lot of variation in the progeny and there (very often) several hybrids that look more or less similar.
Primary Hybrids can be a different story (or some very very particular Complex clones), as the variabilitiy is lower, but still quite high to make it very difficult.
As per your Cycnodes, don't be afraid that your plant is blooming without leave. This is typical for Catasetinae (the group of orchids where Cycnoches and Mormodes - both parent of Cycnodes - are). The plant in your link is actually the exception! As per the ID, same as mentionned above, it will not possible to provide a correct ID. There are sevral cycnodes that look very similar: Taiwan Gold, Jumbo Puff, Wine Delight (yellow form), and many others. Even experts in Catasetinae would have difficulties here! The reason is that the parents used for these plants are very similar, and therefore the progeny is also very similar. In the following link you can have a nice comparison between Taiwan Gold and Jumbo Puff: