Originally Posted by Ironwood
Pat, the reason I mentioned mule ear oncidium is the pseudobulb of mystery plant are similar to my Onc. papilio and the flower spike originates from top of pseudobulb on the papilio. I would be willing to bet there are others in the oncidium alliance that produce a spike in this fashion but I am not familiar enough with them to give examples.
That's a strange way for your
Psy. papillio to bloom! You will find it may never bloom like that again... they normally originate from underneath the bulb. The plant in question has a typical blooming habit that originates from the adnation of leaf and pseudobulb. There aren't any
typical blooming Oncidiinae that originate from the adnation of the top leaves and pseudobulb. They do occasionally form new growths at that area, or any node, especially
Aspasia. If blooms occur from that adnation, then it is a freak occurance