Dave, My wife and I hiked out the strand at gate 7 couple weeks ago and saw very little that I was interested in. Was I in the wrong area? The Ranger told me I'd see lots of broms on the trees, but, frankly, we saw better populations along the main road. I think you might be in a different part of the strand.
Hi Ross, I have never hiked that area (around gate 7) most of my hikes have been north of gate 12 or east main trail, I do hike west of Janes. There is a slough right off of Janes less then a quarter mile where you can find many brom. and orchids although I did not see any ghost orchids there. You must hike deeper and cut your own trail (GPS NEEDED) I hoped this helped Happy Hiking
Great pics! The first two are of Campylocentrum pachyrrhizum, while the third picture looks to be a spiking Polyradicion lindenii, and the fourth is hard to tell, but I think is another Poly. lindenii... make sure never to tell of your locations on these plants. The Campylocentrum pachyrrhizum is quite abundant, but the Ghost Orchid is becoming exceedingly rarer.
Thanks I thought thats what they are. Your also right about giving location. I believe in leave no trace hiking
"Take only pics Leave only footprints" The third picture does look like it is growing a spike. How long do you think it will take to bloom from this stage. That Pic was taken on Sunday April 1 (no Joke)
These typically bloom in May into July. Most in nature are ugly, or if the flowers have nice form, they have short inflorescences. In both cultivation and in situ, "perfect" plants are rarities.
Never having seen this plant in bloom and knowing how much work it took to find them even a ugly flower will be great apprecitated. Thanks for the info. hope to be able to post a pic and describe the scent.