Phalaenopsis orchid?
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Old 12-23-2009, 10:32 PM
erebor erebor is offline
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Phalaenopsis orchid?
Default Phalaenopsis orchid?

My parents received an orchid from their neighbors as a holiday gift, and because I'm the only one present who has ever cared for an orchid, I've apparently become the go-to person for orchid care. I'll be the first to admit, I'm in over my head when it comes to identification and care-I went running to this board when I was given my own! We think it's a Phalaenopsis aphrodite, but we aren't sure, even of the genus. I took some pictures (attached) of the blooms, the spike and the entire plant to help with identification; I couldn't get a decent shot of the roots, but they're about 7mm in diameter, grey-green in color-- they almost look like particularly large worms. The potting medium seems to be moss. Because (from the admittedly cursory research I've done) phals tend to need dim(mer) lighting, we were planning to put it in a north-facing window (no direct light). Is this right?

Thanks so much for all your help!
Attached Thumbnails
Phalaenopsis orchid?-bloomsmall-jpg   Phalaenopsis orchid?-plantsmall-jpg   Phalaenopsis orchid?-spikesmall-jpg  
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Old 12-23-2009, 10:49 PM
mayres mayres is offline
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Phalaenopsis orchid? Male

While it is blooming north light will be fine - and certainly no bright direct light is correct. Phals can take early morning sun and late afternoon sun but in general bright indirect light is good. Generally in the northern hemisphere north window light will be insufficient to make your phal happy long term. East light is a popular choice but keep it back from right in front of the window during three seasons (during the late fall to early spring months it will do fine in the window).
Many people who grow phals like to repot them fairly soon after getting them - in order to get them into a media that they like and to check the root quality. It is very common to have damaged roots on newly acquired phals from any number of things - most commonly over watered by well meaning people at point of sale who know very little about orchids. Most common media is bark for newbies. Moss works fantastic for those who have mastered it, but can be a little tricky for many. I would suggest you start your study on care by reviewing the AOS culture sheet found here - AOS | Phalaenopsis
Be careful - you'll be hooked soon if you read too much!
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Old 12-23-2009, 10:50 PM
SewPretty SewPretty is offline

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Phalaenopsis orchid? Female

yes it's a Phal

their light requirement is bright, indirect light. almost any window will do but most people prefer a shaded (sheer curtains will do) east, south or west window. lol it seems to depend on the grower more than the plant.

other than that hop over to the beginner discussions and read for a couple min. and any of your other care questions will probably be there already.

happy growing!
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Old 12-24-2009, 02:23 AM
King_of_orchid_growing:)'s Avatar
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If it was easy to find, it most likely isn't Phal aphrodite.

Places like Lowes, OSH, and the Home Depot usually don't carry species Phals.

The chances of it being a Phal aphrodite would be higher if it came from reputable sellers who specialize in species orchids.

Is there a way to get a better straight ahead shot of the flower? It makes it easier to see the lip and the throat.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 12-24-2009 at 02:28 AM..
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Old 12-25-2009, 12:15 AM
Orchidjim Orchidjim is offline

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hi. Most probably this is a hybrid of Phalaenopsis amabilis. The market is being flooded with them now for Christmas. Even the species amabilis is readily available but often misidentified or mis labled. I know a grower who shipped 1500 P. amabilis last year. Great plants, too.
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Old 12-25-2009, 05:24 PM
lambelkip lambelkip is offline
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Originally Posted by King_of_orchid_growing:) View Post
If it was easy to find, it most likely isn't Phal aphrodite.

Places like Lowes, OSH, and the Home Depot usually don't carry species Phals.

The chances of it being a Phal aphrodite would be higher if it came from reputable sellers who specialize in species orchids.

Is there a way to get a better straight ahead shot of the flower? It makes it easier to see the lip and the throat.
one of the major orchid suppliers mericloned Phal aphrodite, and has shipped thousands of them to stores like the ones you mentioned above. the Lowes nearest to me currently has several in stock.
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decent, identification;, orchid, phalaenopsis, worms

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