This is a mini that originally came from Bill Bergstrom in Hawaii. My B.I.L. couldn't do anything with it and gave it to me, but he has no idea what it is, nor do I. Any ideas out there?
Sorry for the quality - they are hand-held. I just can't do steps yet to get to the studio.
looks like Nanodes porpax, but seems to be a little bit too small for that species (maybe stressed, and not well grown? - which I do not think could be, if grown by you Ross!)
Nanodes schlechterianum is indeed smaller than porpax, but the flowers look different..
It was sitting on a blob of well-rotted bark mix when I got it. It's now fleshing out and starting a few vigorous roots. I'll look it up based on your suggestions, guys. Thanks for the lead.
Epidendrum porpax, Epidendrum peperomia, Nanodes porpax, Nanodes peperomia are all synonyms, being therefore the same species.
as for the valid species name, porpax is supposed to have prevalence... as for the valid gensu name, it seems that depending on "the school" you follow it is Epidendrum or Nanodes... IOSPE takes Epidendrum as valid Genus...