Dave, I tried to google a good pic of an aerides lawrenceana but none of them have a good view of the leaves. The best one I saw, the leaves look flatter than on my plant. On my plant the leaves are corrugated for want of a better word.
Damian I have several spider orchid which I purchased recently so they haven't flowered yet. They are quite different to this orchid, they are like a large, tougher version of an epidendrum.
I would like to see a pic of your arachnic flos aeris though. Marion
you are right about the leaves. i should have looked closer. The short leaf size and short internode length is different than aerides law. also.
Well it's still doing ok in the new set up, there is active but slow root growth. If I see anything that makes me think it's going to flower I will take more pics.
Looks like a Renanthera or an Aerides or perhaps a cross of one of the above with a Vanda. I concur with what others have said above. This plant likes warmth, LOTS of water, LOTS of Fertilizer, and good air circulation. Given that, it should give you a nice show.
It actually looks more like a Rhynchostylis to me, because the leaves are very wide. I don't know, though; you'll have to wait until it blooms to be better able to identify it.
If it had more than one stem, I'd say it was a dendrobium...