I'm pretty sure the bloom in the first picture is a Cattleya. I'm hoping it's a species, because if it's a hybrid it will probably be impossible to identify. The blossom is about 10 cm (4 inches) across. Wish I could get the story of how this plant ended up being sold in a weekly market here in Central Thailand, since Cattleyas seem to be native to Central and South America. Of course, I could easily be wrong -- I've got one new plant which a helpful member identified for me as a dendrobium after I was sure it couldn't be. So maybe it's not a Cattleya, which would be even more delightful.
The second picture is surely a dendrobium. I was struck by the similarity in coloring to the Cattleya. I have no idea what the species might be, but my wife says she bought it because it was different from the common commercial blossoms sold in the market here every week (well, every day, really). I would expect it's native to Thailand. It would be nice if someone could identify the species for me.