I have had this orchid for about a year - it has not grown or made any progress. I have it in a Western facing window - that gets plenty of light. I water it regularly. Any suggestions? Should it get more light? Less water? Different soil? (it is mostly fir bark).
Another question - is it not recommended to take the plant out of the soil one month after repotting to inspect the roots and see if it is making progress?
This may or may not be related to the problem, but your orchid (looks maybe like an oncidium of some sorts seeing the pleating in the leaves) looks very overpotted. Orchids, and especially oncidiums, do much better in pots that are just large enough to contain the roots and allow for another year or two of growth. Have you been fertilizing?
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
Yes I do fertilize. For the pot do the roots need ventilation? Or can I use a pot with no holes?
I would agree that the pot is way too big for the plant. The plant needs to havee plenty of drainage and ventilation for its roots. If the pot has no holes the plant will rot.
Growth rate is essentially down to light and water. Indoor light is hard to judge but people normally underestimate how much light an indoor orchid is getting from a window. Without seeing any other major problems other than the over-potting, i would suspect not enough light, and possibly water.
Also if its a seedling, some seedlings are just runts that grow slowly.
Do you perhaps know what orchid it is as it looks as though it is a Cymbidium seedling . If it is then like Undergrounder says ,it is a runt and most likely will take years to flower . Best to dump it and buy another that is in active growth
Yeah I initially thought cymbidium too. Whether it's a cym or onc could make a big difference as to potting medium, and also how it behaves when its roots are in distress. Whatever it is, I agree that it's overpotted.
Yes, pot size is important. As a matter of interest I repotted about 200 Cymbid seedlings into clear pots last November and I am amazed at the improved root growth in these pots ,when compared with those I repotted into the std brown or black pots. Could this mean that cymbidium roots also need light ? has anyone else experienced this ?
Way over potted. Put in an orchid pot (ceramic with aeration holes) and plant it in MOSS. Gauranteed to take off, oncidiums tolerate more even moisture around their roots. Good lighting will help give it that "kick", but even moisture is best with moss
I wouldn't take any plants out of it's soil 1 month after repotting to inspect the roots, by the way. You'll only disturb it again.
Good luck with the growing