Maroonish Keiki question: Is this normal and what the heck is it?
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Maroonish Keiki question: Is this normal and what the heck is it?
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Old 08-20-2009, 12:21 PM
Beaveljeez Beaveljeez is offline

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Maroonish Keiki question: Is this normal and what the heck is it? Male
Question Maroonish Keiki question: Is this normal and what the heck is it?

I got this keiki from a friend and they didn't know what kind of orchid it is. I didn't get to see the parent plant and I have no idea what it is. The color is different than any orchid I have seen. It is a purplish color on the leaves and I'm assuming it is a different type of orchid, but I am also curious if it is sick. The roots look pretty good, nice and white, no noticeable issues. I'm really hoping that someone can help me here. Thanks.
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Old 08-21-2009, 05:33 AM
shadec shadec is offline

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Maroonish Keiki question: Is this normal and what the heck is it?

it looks like it might have been a new growth cut off waaaaaaaaaay to early.
the colour is because its dying, i would say. but im probably wrong!
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Old 08-21-2009, 07:15 AM
A G A G is offline
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Maroonish Keiki question: Is this normal and what the heck is it? Male

Looks like it was taken too early, and perhaps had too much light. I think its dead/dying.......
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Old 08-21-2009, 09:38 AM
Beaveljeez Beaveljeez is offline

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Maroonish Keiki question: Is this normal and what the heck is it? Male

That's a terrible thing. I'm just going to keep it in the shade and see what happens.
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color, keiki, nice, orchid, pretty, heck, normal, question, maroonish

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