ok, the label says: Paph. philipinense x chamberlainianum... This would mean: Paph. Helvetia... However, PH has no mottled leave, it tends to have several flowers open at the same time (I said my NOID is sequential) and the flowers look quite different, as you can see in these threads:
Paph. Helvetia
IMO, it is obvious that this plant has Cochlopetalum (sequential blooming - my guess: chamberlanianum), Polyantha (as Gore42 said, from the side, the pouch looks to me very Polyantha - from the front it's a different story. my guess: no clue!) & Sigmatopetalum (Stami. my guess: superbiens or curtisii - I need to pick those spot from somewhere ) background... Ok, I am not expert in Paphies and hybridization, but that's what I see...
so, I contacted the seller, and he sent this ID: [(chamberlanianum x rothschildianum) x (victoria-marie x hirsutissimum)] x sukhakulii, in other words (Transvaal x Hairy Slippers) x Sukhakulii... which for some reason, I do not believe to 100% (my hypothesis: he made up the combiantion of names when i sent the pictures)