The date on these labels cannot be the date when the cross was made or the seeds germinated or the plants deflasked... The reason is that both plants look older than 2 (Phal) or 1 (Catt) year old... YourCattleya is blooming size or at least near blooming size, which is normally reached after 3 to 6 years depending on the cross (there exceptions!)
I assume an X is missing in the Phalaenopsis label, and it should be: Dtps. (JD VLNTN x MNHO PR) X PHA_BRTH VICTORY). However, everything in this label seems to be abreviated... and could be Doritaenopsis (JuDy VaLeNTiN x MiNHO PRincess) x PHAlenopsis BRoTHer VICTORY (Note: the crosses name could be different, as I am just guessing what the abbreviations in yourlabel means! However, the names I have entered do exist!)
Doritaenopsis is an intergeneric hybrid of orchids, with Doritis and Phalaenopsis as parent genera.
As for the Cattleya hybrid: HC175 & RED- 3/27/08 should be a Catalogue number (or a nursery code) plus the color description and "I don't know what date". Then you have the name of the cross POTinara IMMACULATE HEART 'HILO RED'
Potinara is an intergeneric hybrid of orchids, with Brassavola, Cattleya, Laelia and Sophronitis as parent genera.
'Hilo Red' is the clonal name ofthis particular plant.