Can anybody get me closer to a genus?
Plant was given to me by an attendee at a talk I gave on (quelle suprise!) orchids. She said it hadn't bloomed in years; I don't grow anything oncidium, so maybe the cultural key is a free NOID!
Large, flat pseudobulbs; the older ones are alligatored, but that might be cultural, they were like that when I got them! Foliage is long, kind of floppy; again, could be cultural.
Thanks for any clues.
Regards - Nancy
I'm with Ray. I see some Rhynchostele bictoniense in the backgound. Send the image to Woodlands Orchids (Page Title) and ask Rolf for his opinion. He's one of the few active hybridizers in the group and should know it if it is a meristemmed clone.