Hey folks, I've had this one for a while now and had almost forgot that it was a NOID. Can someone, anyone help me out with the identification...PLEASEEEEEEE?!
I know these orchids can be tough to identify... but maybe one of you guys have on and can help me out?
It's certainly some sort of intergeneric. It's hard to say, but the lip looks a bit bigger and the petal stance looks more spread out than the colmanara I have. It's a great looking flower!
Don't waste your time trying to absolutely identify any complex hybrid like this. There are simply so many possible combinations that even DNA analysis is of little help, and flowers can be so similar that they are no help at all.
Don't forget that (A x B) crossed with C, is considered a different hybrid than either A x (B x C) or (A x C) x B, even though they all have the same species in their backgrounds.