Dendrobium office bound and not doing well
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Dendrobium office bound and not doing well
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Old 05-11-2009, 12:11 PM
EmeraldOrchid EmeraldOrchid is offline
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Dendrobium office bound and not doing well Female
Default Dendrobium office bound and not doing well

I am trying to help a receptionist at my daughters school. Wonderful woman.

Anyway I myself just into Orchids and she was asking me about hers.
Has not bloomed since the first about a year and a half ago. Doesn't recall what the flower looked like.

The only tag on this girl says:
Dendrobium 23-06/#20
Ruby Red No. 2

I have been trying to find out info on her and how to help. I have pics.
I have to dash but will check back as soon as I get in the door.

Any info would be fantastic!

Thank you for any help you might be able to provide!
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Old 05-11-2009, 12:41 PM
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camille1585 camille1585 is offline

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Hi, welcome to OrchidBoard!!

First of all, it really needs to be repotted into orchid mix, into the smallest pot the roots will fit in. It looks like it is growing in normal potting soil. Orchid roots are not like other plants, they need a loose airy mix, usually bark based. They like to be root bound to bloom, and it helps the mix dry out quicker. Also, it looks like a phal type Dendrobium, so does not need a winter rest. Do you know how much light it gets? Usually lack of light is the number one issue that keeps them from blooming, followed by lack of fertilizer. These orchids need medium to high light levels, such as a west facing window for example.

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Old 05-11-2009, 02:22 PM
Angurek Angurek is offline
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Dendrobium office bound and not doing well Male

I agree with Camille; your plant isn't potted properly. Put it in a well-draining pot with orchid bark and use a rhizome clip or stakes to keep the plant upright until it establishes itself (these plants tend to droop or topple because of their height). While the lack of flowers may be due to low light, it may also be due to the fact that the plant has lost a lot of roots in the soil. It looks like your den just put out a new cane, so now is a great time to repot. It should be sending out a fresh batch of roots as soon as it hardens its new growth.

The good news about den-phals is that they're pretty forgiving about initial mistakes. They're one of those tough-as-nails plants that could probably survive a war and still grow and bloom the following year. I'm pretty sure your plant will reward you with blooms if you let it establish itself.

Welcome to the forums, by the way. Best of luck with your plant.

Last edited by Angurek; 05-11-2009 at 02:24 PM..
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Old 05-11-2009, 03:13 PM
EmeraldOrchid EmeraldOrchid is offline
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Dendrobium office bound and not doing well Female
Default Thank You! (more Questions lol)

Thank you both for the information.

Sadly it sits on her desk far away from the windows and just under the lightbulbs that shine from above.
I did mention she should try some sunlight...not direct of course.

I will repot it for her and relay the information. Hopefully the orchid will bloom great for her.

Do you know when it should bloom?
The seasons and temps it should follow?

Doing my best to learn...

I just bought my first Phal. I have just begun my reading and learning.

Thanks and feel free to hit me up with anything you think is relevant.

By the there a way to spilt the orchid with out damage? Create two from the one?
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Old 05-19-2009, 10:46 AM
rastafouni rastafouni is offline
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Dendrobium office bound and not doing well Male

Dendrobium are easy to separate when, as now, they have new plants who begin. For myself I just separate the 2 plants with keaping as much as possible roots. But it can take quite time before the plants start to grow again and be careful of moisture : the plants will need it.
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Old 05-19-2009, 11:36 AM
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camille1585 camille1585 is offline

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I would not divide this one, it's just too small. Besides, larger plants look much better. I never understood people's obsessions with dividing plants just because they can. I would rather have one nice large plant rather than a bunch of little pieces taking up room. Just my

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Old 05-20-2009, 05:23 AM
rastafouni rastafouni is offline
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Dendrobium office bound and not doing well Male

For myself, I don't have any "obsesions with dividing plants" but I do it when the plants (usually Dendrobium) become to big. I keep one for myself and give the other to someone else.
In Thailand, I already separated plants as small as this one without damages. But, the environement is not the same. So Camille should be right when saying to not divide this one because of the size.

A +
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Old 05-20-2009, 05:50 AM
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Phillipe, I wasn't meaning to target you with that comment. I just meant that there are some people on the forum that always recommend dividing. e.g "you have a big plant, you should divide it". There are good reasons for dividingm, like to give a part to a friend, or rejuvenating old plants, or reducing a space hogging monster. I just don't like dividing for the sake of dividing, jusr because you can.

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Old 05-20-2009, 07:38 AM
rastafouni rastafouni is offline
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Dendrobium office bound and not doing well Male

ok camille, don't worry. It was a misunderstanding but I know what you were meaning now.
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