A year or two ago I picked up this beauty at a random home DIY store. She was looking a little ragged and beaten, but still lovely.
Only later did I realize that I'm in love with a waitress and I don't even know her name.
She looks very much like she has some
Epidendrum or
Encyclia in her lineage, maybe even
Prosthechea, since her flowers are nonresupinate. I don't remember them being nonresupinate last time, but that was quite some time ago.
At any rate, to my view she's clearly an intergeneric with perhaps a
Cattleya or a
Laelia. The spots on the lip and the petals almost remind me of
Brassavola nodosa hybrids, so maybe there's some of that back in there. I know it's a long shot, but there also aren't THAT many
Epicattleya type intergenerics out there in mass distribution that I know of, so maybe someone knows her.
I've attached photos of her (please excuse their quality - taken with an iPhone). Does she look familiar to you? Can you help me locate her family?