Hey everyone, My new mother in law gave me this plant. She knows I love orchids and she told me that she thinks this is an orchid. It doesnt look like any orchid that I am familiar with but I am new to this hobby. Please help me with an ID so that I can properly care for this plant. Thanks guys, Deb
hi, It is planted in regular potting soil. I was concerned about the curling leaves too. When she gave me the plant it was planted in a little cheap plastic pot and not even in the soil. It had been in it so long it fell out of the soil when I was repotting it and it was completely bare root. It looks better than it did a month ago. Thank you guys for all your help! I truly am grateful for any imput and for the ID. deb
I think bcub and greenbean have it correct. I have this Sanseveria in my houseplant collection. It requires some fairly bright light.
Pretty sure it's a Sansevieria. Doesn't look like a brome to me. You can tell by the roots. Sansevieria have thick white roots and bromes have threadlike brown roots.