Originally Posted by nikv
This is a Carter & Holmes cross. It should read Lc.Lorraine Shirai x Blc. Oconee 'Mendenhall'. FYI. More than likely, the 'Raye' clone of Lorraine Shirai was used. This hybrid has been registered as Blc. Alton Mote. Or if you want to go with the latest genus name changes, it would be Rhynchosophrocattleya Alton Mote.
Actually if you want to really go with the latest genus name changes it would be Rhyncholaeliocattleya Alton Mote. As of last year, Laelias were moved to Sophronitis, and as of March, Laelia and Sophronitis have been wrapped into Cattleya.
SLC, SL, SC, LC all are now just Cattleya.
Or you could not care, and do what most sane people do and call it BLC.