I've recently found a picture of an orchid that looks identical to one of mine (but of course I can't be 100% sure of that). I recall reading on here that there's a term that can be used on a tag that indicated that the ID is not 100%, just wondering what that term was?
Sp. aff (abbreviated from species affinis) refers to a species that is yet to be described but shares a close relationship to another described species. It's essentially an interim taxonomic term so that you can still refer to an undescribed plant while someone gets around to naming it. It shouldn't be applied to a NOID that looks like a named plant. ie you shouldn't call your Oncidium NOID aff Sharry Baby just because it kind of looks like a one you saw on the web.
I reckon you should go with the name as for the one you think it looks like. Most of the time its easier to say what its not than what it is. Post a pic of the flower and someone will agree with the name or offer the correct one.
Ok thanks. It may have been aff I'd read about but just didn't look into the proper use of it. Maybe I'll just put (NOID) beside the name on the tag. Does the job as well as anything else would.