ok we'll I'll give you my 2 cents on paphs. Ive got about 40 of them. I use a medium size bark mix and mix a little broken up tree fern in with it. For watering I water 2x a week in the winter and during the summer if its a little on the dry side I may sneak an extra watering in there. during the week. I use distilled water with MSU fertilizer at half strength once a week in the winter and every watering during the summer growth season. As far as lighting, my paphs are primarily in with the rest of the orchids. I even have a few next to some cattleyas and brassavola hybrids. Both bloom well and nobody burns. I know several other paph growers that do the same. Others will tell you to use low light, and I know of one commercial grower that has shade cloth up the middle of his greenhouse just to protect the paphs. So experiment a little and see what works for you. And I def keep them at the warmer end of my grow room on an inside wall and closer to the heat vent. Any questions just fire away, I'll see what I can do. Good luck